Have you ever wondered why a bottle of water costs more or less depending on whether you buy it at a bulk foods store or a vending machine?

Did you ever think about why it can be more difficult to find your favorite goods and services in small towns than it is big cities?

Or how Amazon is able to ship your package in 24 hours, while the same shipment takes more time if you order it elsewhere?

The answers to all of these interesting and relevant questions can be answered through the study of operations and supply chain management.

Recognized for innovation in career connections, academic programs and more, Alma College is now offering business majors the opportunity to concentrate their studies in operations and supply chain management. This program will be available for prospective students starting in fall 2024 and is available now for current students to pursue.

Read on to see how, at Alma College, you can gain the skills needed to keep people, products, and markets moving efficiently.

Q: How does Alma College’s business major work?

A: As a business major at Alma College, you’ll take core courses in accounting, finance, management, marketing and economics. Then, you’ll choose one of five interdisciplinary concentrations focused on in-demand areas in today’s job market: business analytics, leadership and management, sports management, environmental responsibility, and our most recent addition, operations and supply chain management.

Q: What does Alma College’s operations and supply chain management concentration look like?

A: As part of the operations and supply chain management concentration, you’ll take all of the core courses mentioned above, plus courses in operations management, project management and statistics.

Q: What makes Alma College’s operations and supply chain management concentration distinct from other colleges and universities that offer similar courses of study?

A: We are glad you asked! Alma’s programming differs from other colleges and universities in a variety of ways:

  • Alma offers a liberal arts setting, which provides you with the deeply interdisciplinary education you need to be an inquisitive, adaptable learner.
  • From the beginning of your time at Alma, experiential learning is a priority. That means you’ll be building your network as you work toward your degree, while using Alma’s vast alumni network to secure impactful internships that can lead to job opportunities.
  • Alma offers small class sizes with faculty who are industry experts, with a wealth of experience and connections in the field.
  • The Alma Venture provides up to $2,500 to offset the cost of an out-of-the-classroom learning experience. How better to learn about the global marketplace than to travel the globe?

Q: What types of jobs are available to students who concentrate their studies in operations and supply chain management?

A: There are many interesting, well-paid jobs available to these students, including sourcing manager, project manager, operations manager, supply chain manager, demand forecaster, quality control manager, logistics manager, materials manager and more.

Q: Will I have a job ready when I graduate?

A: Operations and supply chain management is an already-large and growing field, especially in the Midwest United States, where Alma College is located. Manufacturing accounts for 14 percent of all jobs in Michigan and Michigan is in the top-10 of states adding manufacturing jobs.

Want to learn more? Visit alma.edu to learn more about Alma College’s business major with an operations and supply chain management concentration, or schedule a campus visit today.