Let's Connect


Collaborator Social Media Strategy

Complete one form per social media platform or channel.

Submitter Name:
What department/service unit will this social media account represent?
Identify the channel that your department or service unit wants to implement. The following options supported include: FILL IN THE SUPPORTED CHANNEL NAMES
A designated employee responsible for monitoring and maintaining official social media platforms, which includes: finding and creating content; maintaining compliance with applicable laws, regulations and policies; and overseeing a social media moderator(s) who assist with day-to-day social media activities. All social channels must have a minimum of 1 social media manager.
A designated student intern, graduate assistant or other employee who assist social media manager(s) with day-to-day social media activities, including finding and creating content, posting content and more. Interns and graduate assistants may only serve as social media moderators.
For the primary audience, explain how this platform will effectively reach them. Audiences may vary by channel.
Things to consider: How does the proposed social media presence tie into the overall communications strategy of the department, college or service unit? How does this social media presence align with the college, department or service unit goals? How does this social media presence differ from website, marketing and other communication efforts within the department, service unit, or the institution as a whole?
List two-to-three objectives for each goal you created, and two-to-three tactics for each objective.
Note how this will differ from content already being shared by the department, service unit or the college’s official channels.
How will this content align with your goals, objectives, and tactics? Be sure to consider your audience and what types of content they would like to see.
This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.