Spring Term
Spring Term makes in-depth study of a single subject as well as traveling and exploring new cultures easy.
Alma students are required to complete two Spring Term courses to graduate from Alma College.
While Spring Term also has many exciting on-campus options, approximately one-third of the courses include travel. The best part? The courses offered, as well as the travel locations, change each year. This means you could be in London one year and in Hong Kong the next!
Not only do you have fun and earn college credit during Spring Term, you also have the chance to bond with your professor and fellow students. You also benefit from the expertise of the faculty member who travels with you, as an Alma professor leads each travel course.
“For me, the greatest educational benefit of Spring Term is the amount of time that professors and students have to devote to an academic topic,” says psychology professor Marc Setterlund. “It’s an opportunity for students to get to know and interact with their professors, and for professors to get to know their students.”